Adjust Routes for Planned Orders (with the Route Planner)
  • 08 Apr 2024
  • 13 Minutes to read
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Adjust Routes for Planned Orders (with the Route Planner)

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Article summary

You can make targeted changes to an optimized route, like adding unassigned orders to a specific point in a route, using the route planner.

For example, you may run route optimization each evening to prepare the warehouse staff and vehicles for the next day, but you allow some VIP consumers to continue placing orders. The next morning, you can check the location of any new orders using the route planner map, so you can locate a route running nearby. Then add each new order to a route in the correct place using the timeline. Send the routes to dispatch, and continue adding VIP orders as they come in, to fulfill all orders together.

You could change your routes by running route optimization again, but that would create a completely different set of routes.

Each time you run route optimization on the same group of orders you may well receive a different result, as there are multiple ways to organize the same group of orders into efficient routes. Instead of reshuffling all orders each time, build on your existing plans by making focused changes where they are required using the route planner.  Experiment with adjustments, and check how they impact route metrics by comparing the route KPIs.

Use the route planner to:

  • Move all unassigned orders in a team to a route, such as last minute orders or orders Bringg could not assign automatically.
  • If you feel that too many orders are not assigned, discuss changing the route optimization settings with your ops manager.
  • Choose which order details you wish to see front and center by selecting and arranging the appropriate columns.
  • Experiment with moving orders between optimized routes to see how the changes may impact route metrics like route duration, distance, stops per hour, and intersections between drivers.  Learn more.
  • Move one or more order(s) from one route to another. For example, if one driver is delayed during their route you can move some of their orders to another driver whose route runs nearby.
  • Change the sequence of orders in a route, for example, if a customer requested their order be delivered a bit earlier than scheduled.
  • Unassign orders from a route. For example, unassign one if a customer requests an order be delivered on another day, or several if the driver needs to finish their shift earlier than anticipated.
  • View routes per date within a range of dates when using multi-day optimization. Learn more.

Before You Begin

  • Confirm you have a user of type dispatcher (or admin).
  • Generate optimized routes for planned orders. Learn more.


Step 1: Open Bringg and navigate either to:

  • Planning to adjust routes before you dispatch them.
  • Dispatch > List to adjust active routes.
Access the route planner right after running route optimization, by selecting Preview. Learn more

Step 2: Select at least one route you wish to change and any unassigned orders you want to assign.

We recommend selecting all routes belonging to a team, so you have the entire picture when making your changes. To easily select entire routes, select Group by on the upper right corner and choose any option that includes Route.

The route planner only displays orders for a single date and team at a time.
When working with multiple teams, group the options in Dispatch or Planning by any option that includes Team.  We recommend by Team & Route.

Select the routes and unassigned orders you want to adjust


Step 3: To view and adjust the selected routes and orders, select Route Planner.

View and adjust the routes and orders you selected in the route planner


If you already sent this route for dispatch, you can only view and adjust the part of the route the driver did not complete yet.

Step 4: View routes and unassigned orders on the map and timeline to decide what changes to make.

For example, identify an unassigned order on the map to see routes running in its proximity. Confirm which routes can accommodate the order's requirements by checking the order and route details, such as skill and weight/capacity. Then look at the eligible routes in the timeline to see which has a free space during the order's time window.

Identify an order on the map to find routes nearby



Do this...

View specific order details in the list
  • Select the column icon and choose which details to display in the order table.
  • Use the grip dotsicon_gripdots to adjust the order of the column display so that you can see the details most important to you front and center.

  • Select Apply to preserve the adjusted column view.
  • Scroll through the table to view all the data columns you selected.

View all unassigned orders on the map

Select Unassigned Orders in the left hand panel, to view them as pins marked with an X on the map.
If their time window is across multiple days, select the date to view those orders.

Identify a specific order on the map

  • Select the eye icon to display a route or the Unassigned Orders on the map. 
  • Expand a route or the Unassigned Orders list in the left panel to view the list of orders. Then hover over an order's details to see its pin highlighted on the map. The order ID appears over the destination's pin.

Zoom in and out on a cluster of orders

On the map, zoom in and out by using the + and - buttons on the top left, or use your keyboard shortcuts.
Alternatively, select the order cluster then select the tiles at the bottom of the pop-up to see each order's details.

When order destinations overlap on the map, you see a number that represents the position of one of the destinations in the route.

On the timeline, * indicates a cluster of orders. You can zoom in using the zoom icon, or your keyboard shortcuts, or you can select the cluster to expand the timeline.

If you see the * on a fully expanded timeline, these are multiple orders for a single destination. Select the tile again to view the details of each order at this destination.
Switch between orders by selecting the different tiles marked with the order's placement in the route.

Expand the timeline or map to view each order's details



View routes on the map

Select the route's eye icon  in the left hand panel. By default the map displays the first three routes.

View the details of an order

  • Expand a route or the Unassigned Orders list in the left hand panel, which you can resize and scroll as needed, to see details you selected to display.
  • Select an order on the map or timeline then select Order Details on the pop-up to view the consumer information, time window, and Scheduled For time.
    To see the full details of an order, select its ID on the top left.
  • ( Unassigned orders only) Hover over an unassigned order in the left panel to see why Bringg did not assign it.
    If necessary, add a driver with the required skills, or a vehicle with more capacity, or reschedule the order.

Confirm the order's Time Window so you can look for a route that does not already have orders scheduled at that time.

Find a route with availability during an order's time window

Scroll horizontally on the timeline to find a route with free space in the order's time window.

Step 5:  Build your routes further.


Do this...

Move an order into a route

  • (Unassigned orders only) Select and drag an unassigned order from the left-hand panel to its new position in the timeline.
  • (Assigned orders only) Select an order in the timeline and drag it to a different route or position within a route.
  • If drag-and-drop to the timeline is inconvenient, for example, if you need to scroll horizontally on the timeline back and forth, you can select the order in the map or timeline, then manually enter the Route you want it to join in the pop-up. To specify its position on the route, enter its sequence number as its Priority.
Priority indicates an order's position in a route.
Choose a new route and position within the route in the pop-up


 Evaluate the quality of adjustments you want to make to a route

After moving one or more order(s) between routes, check the route KPIs to see how the changes impact the route metrics. For example, check if moving an order from one route to the other impacts the total duration of all the routes.  Learn more.

Assign a route to a different driver

Select the driver's name in the left hand panel. Learn more.

After your action, Bringg makes small adjustments to the route to accommodate the change, such as moving each order to a slightly different time in its time window and changing the sequence number of the remaining orders in the route. If you see a red clock iconon one of the orders in the timeline, it indicates that your change caused it to move outside of its time window. You can review these changes in the route's timeline and map to confirm that they improve the route.

Step 6: Adjust routes as needed.

  • Select one or more orders at a time either from the list or timeline view.  To select multiple orders from the timeline, use Shift, or Ctrl (PC) or Command (Mac). 
  • Choose an action from menu.
Move multiple orders within or between routes, or unassign them as needed.


Move to StartRelocates the selected orders to the start of their existing route while maintaining their sequence.
Move to EndRelocates the selected orders to the end of their existing route while maintaining their sequence.
Move toAllows you to move the selected orders to another route belonging to the same team.  
When moving orders to another route, you can select where in the route to insert them, maintaining their existing sequence.
UnassignRemoves the selected orders from the route and returns them to being unassigned.
To ensure proper delivery, you can only move an order to a position consistent with its time window.  Configured loading and unloading time is also automatically blocked and grayed out on the timeline.

Step 7: If you regret the last change you made before you selected Apply, select Undo last change on the top left of the map.

The last order you moved appears with a bold outline in the timeline. Review each change before moving to the next, as you can only undo the most recent change.

Undo latest change if it does not improve your route


Step 8: Select Apply on the pop-up or the bottom right corner of the route planner for your changes to take effect.

Select Apply to save your changes


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