Set Up Delivery Terms
  • 19 Jun 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Set Up Delivery Terms

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Article summary

Configure Delivery Terms to specify when specific carriers or your Own Fleet drivers are viable options for carrying out orders under specific conditions. These terms help filter out carriers that do not meet certain criteria, ensuring that only qualified carriers are considered for each delivery. For example, you can specify the service plans, areas, and order types a carrier supports and the maximum weight they can carry.

Auto-assign the best-fitting carrier by creating delivery terms that reflect your strategy and each carrier's capabilities.

You can create as many terms as you need for each carrier to describe all circumstances when you would use that provider. Each term can contain multiple conditions.

Bringg evaluates carriers for each order. It qualifies the carrier if at least one of the terms are true. But within a single term, all its conditions must be true.

Define the required conditions for each delivery term

Before You Begin

  • Confirm you have the Admin user type.

  • Find and connect to carriers for each of your locations and fulfillment offerings using the Carrier Catalog.

  • Check that you have signed contracts and completed integration with each carrier.

  • Understand under which conditions Bringg should consider a carrier as a viable provider for each order. For example, after analyzing report data showing a carrier's strengths and weaknesses, you may want to tweak their delivery terms to serve only in cases where their performance is strongest.

Access Delivery Terms

Select Delivery Hub > My Carriers from the navigation bar, select the carrier that you want to configure, then select the Delivery Terms tab.

Add a Delivery Term

Step 1: Select Add Delivery Term to define a situation when you want to use this carrier.

Select Add Delivery Term
Create a new delivery term for this carrier

Step 2: Select the pencil icon to change the title of a delivery term.

We recommend giving a meaningful title to each term to make it easily identifiable, like City Center lightweight. By default, each new term is called Delivery Term.

Step 3: To define the conditions that must be true for a carrier to meet a delivery term, Add Attribute and choose the relevant fields from the list.


Filters by

Applicable hour

Designated hours.
For example, this could be the carrier’s working hours. You can also use this attribute to prevent assigning orders to a carrier during peak delivery hours.


Applicable hours are based on your organization or team time zone.


The carrier’s ability (or inability) to carry flammable items.


The carrier’s ability (or inability) to carry fragile items.

Max weight

The weight of the heaviest item in the order.

For example, you can use this attribute to assign orders with a max weight over a certain amount only to carriers that have equipment that enables them to carry particularly heavy loads.

Service plan

Service plans, such as Express or Over-the-threshold.

Order type

Type, such as Delivery or Service.


Team assignment

Total price

Total order value

First Waypoint or Last Waypoint

Specific location attributes:

  • Address

  • Service area

  • Distance from waypoint at driver check in (allows you to apply this rule based on the distance between the pickup and dropoff locations)

Step 4: Define the terms of each attribute. Depending on the field type, search and choose values from a dropdown list (such as order types or service plans) or select an operator and then enter the required value.

Operators define an attribute as true if the value of the field:

  • Is, Is not, or Is at least one of the values that you select from the dropdown list

  • Is, for example, equal to, less than, or in range of the values you enter in the number field

  • Is, Is not, Contains, or Does not contain the values you enter in the text field.

Step 5: Select Save to finalize your changes.

Manage Delivery Terms

You can update existing delivery terms at any time. Once you make your changes, be sure to select Save to finalize them.


Do this...

Add further conditions inside this delivery term

Select Add Attribute .

Prevent the assignment of orders that do not match a delivery term

Select the checkbox next to Set as hard constraint.
If a delivery term is marked as a hard constraint and an order's specifications do not match the term, Bringg does not send the carrier a quote request or display it in the manual assignment screen.

Temporarily deactivate an entire delivery term

Select the toggle to deactivate or activate a delivery term.

Use this toggle to fine-tune your delivery strategy. For example, to remove a condition on weekends, you can independently deactivate and activate it whenever necessary.

Remove a condition within a single delivery term

Select Delete  at the level of the condition within the term.

Remove an entire delivery term (with all its conditions)

Select Delete at the level of the entire delivery term.

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