Monitor and Update Routes
  • 11 Mar 2025
  • 8 Minutes to read
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Monitor and Update Routes

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Article summary

You can use Bringg's route monitor to supervise while drivers are en-route, to prevent or resolve delivery issues. 

Bringg displays planned routes on a timeline, on a map, and as a list with each route's details, ensuring that you have all the information you need for route monitoring.

For example, identify when a route is running late at a glance by the yellow orders in the timeline, use the map to find where the driver is located, then reassign some of their orders to another driver nearby.

Route monitor is currently available only to select users.  Contact your Bringg representative to discuss eligibility for early adoption.

Monitor routes in Bringg


Arriving on time

Arriving late (afterthe planned time window ends)

Arriving early (before the planned time window starts)

Arrived early

Arrived on time

Arrived late

Canceled order

Route Monitor sometimes consolidates several orders in a route into one box if they share the same time window or scheduled time. In such cases, the box indicates how many numbers are included, and the color reflects the status of at least one of the consolidated orders.

Before You Begin

  • Confirm you have a user of type dispatcher (or admin).
  • Confirm you use planned routes.
  • Create routes for planned orders. Learn more.
  • Contact your admin to request that a Bringg representative set up the route monitor in your merchant.


Step 1: Access the route monitor by selecting Dispatch > Routes or Planning/Dispatch > Route Monitor.

Access the Routes viewStep 2: Choose the routes you want to display on the timeline by selecting Filters and adding the applicable filters. 

By default, Bringg displays all the routes for all the teams you are responsible on the current date, add filters to view specific routes only.

For example, view all routes for a single team by selecting that team in the Teams filter.

You can revert the filters back to the default anytime by selecting Reset Filters.

Filter to display routes on the timeline

Currently, Bringg can only display routes for a single day at a time.



We recommend opening other Bringg pages in different tabs, as moving away from the Routes page changes the filters to their default settings.


Step 3: Display routes on the map by activating the eye icon next to the route name.

You can add different layers of information to the map by selecting them.

For example, view the next destination the driver is headed to by adding an icon indicating the driver's position.

Display routes on the map


Planned Route
Use to display a line between each destination pin that represents the route path Bringg suggests the driver to follow.
Driver's Location
Use to display the driver's current location.
Driver location displays only if driver is on shift.
Team Location
Use to display a house icon at the locations of your fulfillment center.


You can zoom in on the map by using the plus and minus buttons or by using shift+scroll.

You can also adjust the map view to see traffic patterns or satellite view by selecting the applicable option.

Step 4:  Review routes in advance to confirm your plans before handing them off to drivers.
For example, view the routes on the timeline to confirm each has a balanced amount of orders and on the map to confirm the routes do not overlap.

a. Filter by a date or time in the future.

b. Review the routes. The P icon in the list of routes indicates that the route is still in planning and has not been handed off to a driver.

c. Adjust any routes with the route planner, by selecting the routes in the list, then selecting Route PlannerLearn more.

Confirm route plans before handoff to drivers


Step 5: Supervise while drivers are en-route to prevent or resolve delivery issues.

For example, easily see if a route is running very late and call customers to reschedule their delivery.


Bringg displays new data every 30 seconds. Select the Refresh button to update immediately.


Do this...

Assess the current state at a glance.


View the area indicated by the red line on the timeline.

Follow the current time indicator



Assess a route's progress.

Each order is represented on the timeline as a square colored according to the order's status.
Use the colors to understand each order's status.
Completed orders appear with solid coloring, future orders appear empty with the applicable color outline indicating Bringg's prediction of the delivery timing, and orders in progress appear with reduced opacity.

Routes without timing information appear with a warning icon in the route list.
Schedule these routes, either manually or with route optimization (learn more), to ensure accurate information in the Routes view.

Prevent and resolve delivery issues.

Immediately notice any potential or active issues by monitoring alerts. Learn more.

Step 6: React to changes on the ground.


Do this...

View route details.

For example, find the vehicle used for the route to send a replacement vehicle of the same type. 

  • Expand the details view by selecting its tab or selecting the route's name.
    View route details
  • Select the route's name to view its page, which includes a recording of the route progression and more.
  • Use the map view. As described in this article.
Adjust the visibility and sequence of route details.
For example, view vehicle assignments next to the driver assignments, or view the time window and weight capacity for a route before checking the vehicle assignment.
  • Select Customize, and choose which details you want to view in your display.
  • Shuffle the sequence of the columns by selecting the grip dots  icon and dragging the column name to reorder it.
View or assign a driver to a route.

  • Select the three dots next to the route id, and choose to Assign the resource, or in the Driver or Vehicle columns, check if a driver or vehicle is assigned.  
  • Select Assign driver or Assign vehicle to view the list of available resources for that route.
  • Choose which resource you wish to assign to the route, and select Assign.
If you select an available driver or vehicle from the list, but the requirements do not match those of the orders in the route, an error message appears.
Reassign or unassign the resources of a route.
  • Select the three dots next to the route id, and choose to Reassign the resource or select the assigned resource from the applicable column of the route.
  • To reassign: View and select an available resource, and choose Assign.
  • To unassign: Select Unassign.
Move a route to Planning or Dispatch.
  • Select the three dots next to the route id, and choose Move to Planning or Move to Dispatch as applicable.

View order details.

For example, to find the customer's contact information in case the driver arrived and there is no one present to accept the order.

Select an order on the timeline or map to view a summary of the order details.  
For full details, select Order page to open the order's page in a new tab. 

View order details


Adjust a route.  

For example, to change the sequence of orders in a route to better fit the driver's preferences of starting point.

(Coming soon ) Select the routes in the list of routes then select Route Planner. Learn more.

Open routes in the route planner


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